My mother-in-law, Sylvia, when in her seventies, had for over ten years shared her home and day-to-day life with a special male companion. His name was Mitchell, and he was there for the good times and the bad. 

When she needed some exercise in the winter months, he threw on his coat and walked down the street with her by his side. Not saying a word, he kept a sharp lookout for anyone he could say hello to and introduce the love of his life.

They shared meals together, and would cuddle on the couch watching television. He didn’t really see the humour in a lot of the shows she’d watch, so he’d just lay with his head in her lap and doze off.

Then, as things sometimes go as we age, Mitchell, or “Mitchie” became sick. 

As the days passed, Sylvia knew it was coming time to say goodbye to her Mitchie. 

He was the most loving, dependable, “always happy to see you”, kinda guy. 

He was the best Bichon ever!

Yes, Mitchell, the love of Sylvia’s life, was a dog!

After paying the price of grief, for having the joy of love, Sylvia called one day and shared how she was going to honour “Mr Mitchell”.

She explained she was going to be making donations to the Ontario SPCA this year in the name of all those she gives to.

That led me to reach out and see why she was so passionate about this organization she has quietly and generously supported over many, many years.

I had a conversation with Bonnie Bishop, Eastern Regional Manager of Community Outreach Services with the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society. 

Wow! If you ever want to hear what passion and enthusiasm for a job sounds like, talk to Bonnie!

Bishop walked me through just some of the programs the Ontario SPCA have on the go. 

  • The “iAdopt” for the Holidays program. 

  • The Pawsitive Packs initiative provides backpacks filled with food, collars, leashes, coats and blankets for those in our communities who are less fortunate. 

  • Working with homeless shelters to enable people to come with their dogs so they aren’t separated.

Bishop explains “We’re here for our animals in the community. We want pets in homes.”

When asked what the goal is, she exuberantly and, without hesitation, said, “Keeping pets and people together.” 


  • The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society has been providing care, comfort and compassion for over 150 years.

  • More than 4,500 animals found forever homes from 12 animal centres in 2023.

  • They work with food bank partners across the province to help keep furry bellies full. Last year, over 500,000 lbs of pet food were distributed, which translates to 1 million meals to keep pets with their families during struggling times.

  • 800+ volunteers lend a hand across the province to change the lives of animals.

  • The Society’s efforts extend even further with its SPCA Mobile Animal Wellness Services unit, which has been stationed in Sudbury for the past two years to deliver essential care to Northern communities, and with 

   MASH-style pop-up clinics are ready to make an impact wherever needed.

  • The Ontario SPCA offers pet health and training tips, as well as heart-warming stories, on its blog, ontariospca.ca/blog

I highlighted the Ontario SPCA, but be aware that there are hundreds of organizations with thousands of caring volunteers who walk the talk every day to make a difference in the lives of thousands of animals, from Gerbils to Great Danes.

So this year, if you’re struggling with what to give that “never know what to get” person, consider donating to a Humane Society, shelter or rescue group and help make a difference in an animal’s life!

As Sylvia said, “I’m giving love, not scarfs this year.”


